The more passionate I am about what I write, the better the copy seems to be. I guess that’s obvious, really. And maybe why Copy with Cream seems to be attracting more and more, what I call green businesses lately.
These green clients include a natural skincare company, an organic magnesium oil manufacturer, a couple of energy companies, a natural bakery and a health and community development consultancy. I've also written websites for holistic health practitioners and more than one life coach and written a video script for meditation.
If you have a green business, and are looking for the right person to help you get your passionate message out to the world, I’d love to help you. Please contact me.
brainstorming, proofreading, gathering testimonials
Truth Cosmetics is a range of natural skincare products developed by Caroline Kraus of Ashford, Adelaide. Caroline built her own website and is not a bad writer herself. I’ve helped her with a few brainstorming sessions and some proofreading, as well as buying her fabulous products for myself and as presents for my friends. Also gathering testimonials from her many happy clients.
brainstorming, copywriting, editing, editorial
Healthy living is right up my alley, which makes Healthy Environs a great organisation to work with. Sally Modystach heads up this Adelaide-based consultancy which specialises in health, community development and environmental sustainability. I’ve helped Sally with brainstorming, copywriting and editing for their brochure, media release as well as regular editorial pieces.
writing, editing, brainstorming, marketing materials
Tamira and Paul were referred to me by their SEO (Search Engine Optimization) guy who told them that although their website was beautiful, Google didn’t like how their website worked. I’ve helped with writing, editing and reorganising the info on their website, and writing an ABOUT page for them that really helps sets them apart from their competition. Also fine-tuning marketing materials.
brainstorming, web review
I found Rohan Smith when I was searching for a new health practitioner. I'm his client and he's now mine. Which makes brainstorming and a web review so much easier because I know exactly who his target audience is — me! Rohan is a DIY type of guy which made a brainstorming package ideal. It includes my 75 page eBook and my Web Masterplan.
brainstorming, web copy, flyers, promotional material