Time to work on your website?

Posted on  24 April 2020 by Karen


Whether your website just needs a little bit of TLC, or a massive overhaul because your strategy has now shifted to more of an online focus, I can help you.

Your online presence is now more important than ever

When times are normal, most of us are usually so busy working in the business, we never have time to work on the business. Enter COVID-19 and lockdown. Which I think presents the perfect opportunity to work on your business — which should include checking out your website. After all, Google is still working.

Here are some questions for you

  1. How old is your website?
  2. How quickly does it load?
  3. Is it well designed?
  4. Is it well written?
  5. Does Google love it?
  6. Where does it rank compared to your competition?
  7. Is it doing what you want it to do?

Hey, I’m not suggesting everyone needs a new website, in fact sometimes the old rule ‘don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater’ definitely applies. Maybe your website isn’t too bad, and all it needs is a bit of tweaking here and there. In fact, I’ve seen how many small changes can make a massive difference, very quickly.

Contact me for a web review

We’ll take a look at your site, check out copy, photos, how it ranks, navigation, load time, and more. And then come up with a plan forward. That way, when the dust settles and things start to get back to normal, your website will be looking better, reading better and ranking better — which means your business will attract more customers.

If you want to find out more about a web review, give me (Karen) a call on 0412 322 982 and let’s have a chat.