PWA speed

Image thanks to Space X of Unsplash

Blast past your competition with a PWA

Posted on 19/11/2018 by Karen

Introducing the website/ app hybrid that’s changing all the rules online.

If you’ve met me in person, you may know that I am one of the least techie people around. (I still have a flip-phone for example.) Which is funny, because I am working with some of the techiest people I know. The team at JABA. Luckily, they have all the Google stuff sorted and they’re very happy for me to stick to my specialty — words.

JABA have been building websites since 2000, so they know their stuff. So when they got excited when they discovered PWAs earlier this year. They knew they would become the next big thing online, so they got their coder gurus onto it super fast.

PWA stands for Progressive Web App

Faster than your regular website, less than half the price of an app, I reckon PWAs might just be the best way to get your website to Number 1 on Google. Now, how do I know that, because I’m not techie? Good question. I know because the first PWA that JABA built for a client a couple of months ago is now Number 1 on Google.

Number 1 on Google search

Despite being a local, one-woman business in the extremely competitive natural skincare industry, her new PWA that JABA built has totally blitzed the opposition and is —

  • Number 1 on Google
  • Above paid ads
  • Above international skincare companies that have been around for decades!

Talk to JABA to find out more

Now, you can trust me with your copywriting but really, I’m the last person you should be talking to about PWAs, (remember, I don’t have a SmartPhone and I don’t use apps!)

But if you’re interested in finding out more, check out the blog posts on JABA’s site or give them a call on (08) 8232 2655. Adrian or Ata would love to talk PWAs with you and show you what they can do for your business.


Karen Zaskolny,

Copy with Cream

0412 322 982