Kenny the perfect choice for IGA

Posted on 22/07/2015 by Karen

I’ve written recently about choosing the right person to front your advertising campaigns, and the mistakes made by choosing Dr Karl to front the government’s Challenge of Change campaign.

The new TV ads for IGA encouraging us to shop independent are a wonderful example of choosing the perfect front man. Everyone loved the movie Kenny, the Aussie battler with the big heart who wins out in the end. Just like Muriel’s Wedding, it’s a real Australian feel-good story. So, it’s very clever of IGA (or rather, their advertising agency) to choose actor Shane Jacobson to be the face of the new IGA campaign, encouraging Aussies to support the locals and shop IGA. His very ‘everyman’ persona makes Kenny the perfect choice for IGA.

IGA ad with Kenny

With Shane’s shopping trolley trip from country through suburbs to city, they’ve cleverly managed to show just about every single target market there is. Just about everybody who sees the ad should be able to relate to someone they see on the screen. And if not, Kenny should be enough to convince you anyway.