Give me some old-fashioned service

Posted on 21/12/2015 by Karen

Now for all you people who love your electronic diaries, please just ignore this post. But for anyone else out there who still uses the old-school diary that you actually write in, here’s a story for you.

I like my diary. I love my diary.

It’s my bible — without it, I would be lost. Because I am very forgetful. I also suffer from information overload so I need to colour code the entries so I can ‘see’ what’s going on. My diary has to be A5, hard cover, with white pages (for my Liquid Paper… yes, seriously!!!) a week to view, and the times of the day down the side. As you can see, I’m pretty fussy. So, every year, I go through the same thing. Running around trying to find exactly what I want.

This year, I went to the same place I found my diary last year. Kylie Brown’s Newsagency at the Bayside Shopping Village at Glenelg. They have the best selection — better than the big department stores, better than Officeworks, better than any stationary shop I have visited.

I was there at the stand, hunting through the diaries for exactly the right one (because they all look suspiciously similar at first glance!) when staff member Robyn came over and asked if she could help me. Yes, please. A diary like this one, that I got here last year.

Robyn went through them all quickly, (and there were about 50 or more of them on the stand) then went out the back and found exactly what I needed. She then asked me if I would like her to put my name down in her book so she can order one in for me for the end of next year. Yeay!!! Yes, please! She got out an old-school lined exercise book and wrote in all the details of the diary and my contact details.

Thanks so much for old-fashioned service with a smile and being proactive! Makes life so much easier. So just in case you or your mum or your nanna is old-school, let them know about Kylie Brown’s Newsagency at Glenelg.